What To Know About Arizona’s New Digital Medical Marijuana Cards

Certain groups and leaders are celebrating the achievements that have led to Arizona’s switch to digital medical marijuana cards. These groups are excited about the innovation and improvements with technology to offer such an important service on a state-wide basis. The innovations are sustainable with Arizona’s growth, labor markets, health statistics, and tourism support. With…

CBD For Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Did you know that Cannabidiol — or as it is better known, CBD — is not just for recreation but also a fantastic treatment for stress, anxiety and depression disorders? That’s right! An increasing amount of patients are actually lowering their dosages of chemicals medicines and other potentially harmful treatments and switching over to CBD instead. Some people are swapping out…

Tips for Traveling With Medical Marijuana

If you’re among the estimated 900,000 Americans who use medical marijuana, then you already know its benefits. While an increasing amount of states are legalizing cannabis for medicinal use, there are many others where it it is still illegal. Internationally, only a small handful of countries have legalized it. So, it’s only natural to wonder how…

Insurance and Medical Marijuana

Although medical marijuana has been proven to be an effective treatment for conditions like cancer and PTSD, it still is not covered under insurance. There are a few obstacles preventing insurance from covering medical marijuana. First of all, medical marijuana is considered a controlled illegal substance under federal law. This classification is one barrier for…