CBD is used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions. Even some states like Kentucky that have not legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes have legalized CBD. This is mostly because the benefits of CBD cannot be denied, especially when looking through the results of research studies. For now, let’s take a close look at CBD, including what it is, its benefits, and how to most effectively deliver the product to the body for the best effects.
What Is CBD?
The marijuana plant has more than 60 different types of cannabinoids in it. One of these is cannabidiol, also commonly referred to as CBD. Many research studies have concluded the effects of CBD are extremely useful from a therapeutic standpoint. CBD can be used to treat Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, Crohn disease, dystonia (a muscle disorder), and other medical conditions. Most commonly, it is used to treat epilepsy and has been particularly beneficial for children with epilepsy.
What Are the Different Ways to Administer CBD?
As with any type of medicine or substance, it’s imperative to understand how to best deliver it to the body. By properly delivering it to the body, this ensures the patient reaps the benefits of CBD to their fullest effect. To understand how to best deliver CBD to the body, you must first understand the various forms it comes in. CBD is available in flower form, as an oil, and even a topical.
Smoking CBD in flower form yields the greatest form of absorption when compared to other methods. It is absorbed by the alveoli found inside your lungs, meaning it moves quickly into the bloodstream and begins to produce its effects. When you smoke CBD, you will likely feel the effects almost instantaneously.
If you don’t want to smoke CBD, you can always consume it in an oil form. When ingested in oil form, you will likely consume the CBD as a liquid or in capsule form. Unlike smoking CBD, when you consume it in oil form, you don’t have to concern yourself with the smell. However, because the substance has to travel through your portal vein and to your liver, it can take quite a bit of time to feel the effects. In fact, you may notice a period of one to two hours before you feel the effects.
Another popular type of CBD comes in the form of topicals (creams, oils, ointments, etc). These forms are usually applied directly to the skin and can deliver targeted effects to certain parts of the body. This is extremely useful for those who need targeted pain relief. Still yet, the effects of topicals may take an extended amount of time to take become present because your skin isn’t very porous.
What Is the Best Way to Deliver CBD to the Body?
After studying the different forms of CBD, it becomes apparent that smoking it is the most effective way to deliver it to the body. It provides almost instant effects and can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions.