Inflammation is one of the most common concerns for endurance athletes today. When you exercise, you break down muscle fibers and inflammation is a natural part of the healing process. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication regularly to treat inflammation can harm your kidneys, limit your gains and increase your risk of heart attack. Many athletes are turning to CBD products as a safe alternative for treating inflammation, increasing fat loss, and limiting pain.
The Benefits of CBD for Athletes
In addition to the numerous benefits that CBD provides for mental health, there are physical benefits as well. Many athletes are finding that the ability of CBD to help them relax benefits their recovery and helps them return to their workouts with more energy and less pain. It can also help them remain committed to their regimens.
CBD helps your body oxidate fat more efficiently and athletes have reported that it provides more endurance during intense workouts. It also lowers insulin sensitivity, which has helped many diabetics who are not only looking to lose weight but also to reduce their dependency on synthetic insulin. Even if you do not suffer from diabetes, reduced insulin sensitivity is known to aid in reaching your weight loss goals more quickly.
Studies have shown that cannabis helps to reduce inflammation. It helps your immune system as well, boosting recovery and helping you heal from minor sprains and strains more rapidly than if you were to use an over-the-counter medication. Athletes participating in contact sports have also seen a reduction in injuries, including concussions and other neurological harm that can result from full contact.
CBD is considered to be an adaptogen. What this means is that it helps your body not only recover from changes in your fitness routine but also stimulates your nervous and musculoskeletal systems to adapt to new demands on your body faster. The ability of CBD to reduce pain also makes it easier for athletes to manage soreness and get more productive workouts.
What CBD Products are Most Useful for Athletes?
Athletes may benefit from ingesting CBD or using it as a topical solution. The choice you make depends on your goals and what you are trying to treat. Edible CBD products distribute cannabis throughout your entire body while topical products are designed to target specific muscles.
You can use tinctures or capsules as an edible solution as well. Topical products combine CBD with a mixture of plant oils, such as lavender, mint, or olive oil. Be aware of this if your skin is reactive to these types of oils.
All Greens Clinic produces only the purest CBD products, which meet our stringent quality control standards. We are located in Sun City and are happy to serve Sun City and the Greater Phoenix area. To find a product that will help you meet your personal goals, check out the rest of our website, fill out our online contact form, or give us a call at 623-214-9212.