In recent years, science has found remarkable links between gut health and general health — as well as links between CBD use and better gut health. CBD and THC have been used to treat disorders such as Crohn’s and other gluten intolerances, and the “why” behind it is very interesting.
Gut Health is Important for Mental Well-Being
When you think about it, your gut is what controls the majority of your actions. Hunger is something that everyone shares — it’s something that has directed human evolution for millions of years. The gut operates as a sort of “second brain.” When it isn’t working well, you can become depressed and anxious. When you aren’t eating right, you’ll feel angry and irritable. A lot of this has to do with the “microbiome”; the environment of your gut that includes both positive and negative bacteria.
CBD Can Help Improve Gut Motility
Gut motility is an issue that can happen for a variety of reasons, such as an illness or even a new medication. Poor gut motility can lead to everything from general feelings of illness to serious sickness. CBD has been shown to improve gut motility, though too much of it can have a detrimental impact. You can test out different doses of CBD to determine what works best for you without having an adverse impact.
CBD Can Reduce Inflammatory Compounds
Inflammation in the gut is what leads to a lot of poor gut health. More and more, we’re understanding that things like stress reactions and ulcers have to do with acids and bacteria in the gut. CBD can reduce inflammatory compounds, which can reduce acidic reactions. If you often have acid reflux, for instance, CBD might be able to help — especially if you take it after you eat. It may also be able to help if you have ulcers or general indigestion.
CBD Can Improve Your Microbiome
In general, it’s known that CBD can help improve your microbiome. Your gut microbiome can also be improved by things such as eating yogurt. We have limited understanding how the microbiome reacts with our mental health and other physical health, but it’s proven that it does make a difference. Your gut microbiome controls how you digest as well as what you can digest, and when you are having digestive issues, it’s often a result of the microbiome not being healthy enough.
Scientists are still looking into the science behind the microbiome. But it seems fairly obvious that there is a connection between gut health and psychological health. If you feel as though you’re depressed or anxious, it’s worth considering. In the meantime, CBD might be able to help.
All Greens Clinic
All Greens Clinic is a medical cannabis dispensary proudly serving the people of Sun City and the surrounding areas. New patients can sign up for a medical marijuana evaluation and certification while also pursuing CBD alternatives in the interim. With additional acupuncture services for individuals in need, All Greens Clinic hopes to become YOUR destination for natural health and wellness solutions.
To learn more about acquiring your medical marijuana card, contact All Greens Clinic today!