CBD is an oil extract that is extracted from a marijuana plant. It has medical benefits without the high. Research has found that CBD for seniors has many benefits without adverse side effects.
CBD is a pain reliever without prescription medication. It’s effective for decreasing nerve pain and arthritis. Seniors can buy it in boutique-style creams to put on muscles and joints. CBS also enhances bone health. This is particularly helpful for the senior population as bone fragility is common among seniors. Studies show that CBD can help support healthier bones and heal fractures. And because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it’s helpful for multiple sclerosis.
CBD delivers soothing effects. It promotes the feeling of energy and even has stronger antioxidant properties than vitamin E and vitamin C. Ongoing research has also found a link between CBD and treating glaucoma. Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease and affects one’s sight. There’s also intraocular pressure. Evidence has shown that CBD can reduce this pressure.
As one age, it can be more difficult to get sustained periods of sleep. CBD helps the extension of sleep. It’s important to note that proper sleep can help one avoid glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease. The brain regenerates itself during sleep. Plus, the elderly can avoid dependence on sleeping pills with CBD.
Many of the elderly use daily prescription drugs. This can cause tissue damage, drug addiction and organ damage. The effectiveness of using CBD can avoid these things from happening. CBD is a safe alternative to prescription drugs.
It’s not uncommon for older citizens to lose their appetite. This can cause mental issues, tissue weakness and weight loss. CBD improves appetite. It’s an appetite stimulant.
According to research, CBD can help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. CBD helps eliminate the toxic protein that causes Alzheimer’s. It stops inflammation of the brain and helps regenerate damaged cells.
CBD can help fight depression and anxiety. A large portion of the elderly population suffers from these types of mental ailments. CBD is the perfect compound for these ailments. It alters the response of the brain to depression and anxiety and creates a feeling of euphoria. It helps bring balance to chemical levels in the brain. It’s also a great alternative to prescription drugs for mental ailments.
With all the benefits of CBD, it should be a part of the daily routine for the elderly. CBD can be delivered in multiple ways including, edibles, oil vapor, tinctures and topical cream. It’s easy to find a delivery method that suits one’s needs and preferences.
All around, CBD is a great option toward wellness and holistic health for seniors. Seniors can easily find CBD oil on the market, try several of them and choose the one that meets their needs. Like medical marijuana, seniors should begin slow and may even want to consult a physician before finding a dosage that meets their lifestyle and needs. No deaths and overdoses have ever been documented due to CBD.