Suffering From Sickle Cell Anemia? Cannabis May Ease Your Symptoms
If you have been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, you may already know all too well how painful this blood cell disorder can be. In addition to a variety of chronic discomforts and other health challenges, sickle cell anemia can cause acute, debilitating bouts of pain. Fortunately, you have more options that might realize when it comes to fighting off this pain. Cannabis products appear to help many sickle anemia sufferers feel better, especially those who have limited access to prescription opioids. Let’s take a closer look at this smart, effective pain relief strategy.
What Is Sickle Cell Anemia?
Sickle cell anemia gets its name from the oddly elongated shape of the red blood cells that it affects. These defective blood cells can’t efficiently carry oxygen to various parts of the body. to make matters wells, sickle cells die and break apart much more rapidly and easily than healthy red blood cells. These problems can lead to such diverse complications as retinal damage, spleen dysfunction (which can lower your disease resistance), and swollen feet or hands.
Pain is perhaps the most notorious symptom of sickle cell anemia. Sickle cells don’t just fail to deliver oxygen properly; they can actually block peripheral blood vessels in your joints, abdomen, chest, and bones. This problem causes bouts of intense pain that last for hours or even weeks at a time, with multiple bouts occurring each year.
How Cannabis Helps
Cannabis can’t cure sickle cell anemia, but it can ease the agonizing pain that its sufferers experience. Its secret lies in chemicals known as cannabinoids. When cannabinoids interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, they block pain signals and boost feelings of well-being. Cannabis products can prove effective for chronic pain management as well as immediate relief from acute pain.
Pain might not be the only symptom you can control with the aid of cannabis. Since marijuana has anti-inflammatory properties, regular use of cannabis may help you reduce chronic swelling of the hands or feet. It may also help you fight off depression, anxiety, and other feelings associated with chronic pain problems. The full potential of this substance for sickle cell anemia symptom relief will undoubtedly reveal itself through additional research.
A Popular Solution Among Patients
The current epidemic of opioid over-prescription, abuse, and addiction has led many doctors to curtail their distribution of opioids to chronic pain sufferers. This development has left many sickle cell anemia patients seeking effective alternatives for dealing with their pain. One study showed that 42 percent of these patients had used medical marijauan for this purpose within the past two year. Of these respondents, 79 percent noted that they needed less of other pain medications as a result.
If you decide to try cannabis products such as marijuana to soothe your sickle cell anemia pain, it is important to choose pure, high-quality products from reputable sources. Marijuana from more questionable sources may contain contaminants that do your health more harm than good. Contact us to learn more about products that can ease your symptoms safely and effectively.