Talking to Your Physician About Medical Marijuana
Yes, you can talk to your physician about the possibility of incorporating medical marijuana into your health and wellness routine. As more and more states have approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes, many doctors have increased both their knowledge of the subject and their willingness to prescribe marijuana as a potential treatment aid for a variety of ailments. Let’s look at some of the key points you’ll want to cover with your general practitioner or medical specialist.
Conditions and Symptoms That Medical Marijuana Can Help
First and foremost, you should know about some of the most common medical applications for marijuana. This substance has shown considerable effectiveness in helping people who suffer from:
Chronic pain and inflammation – Chronic pain and inflammation tend to go hand in hand. Fortunately, medical marijuana has proven itself highly effective against both problems. In fact, 62.2 percent of medical marijuana users rely on the substance as a chronic pain remedy. This benefit is potentially huge for its ability to help pain sufferers steer clear of addictive, potentially dangerous painkillers such as opioids. Medical marijuana can also ease symptoms of inflammatory bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
Nausea and loss of appetite – Marijuana naturally stimulates appetite in individuals who might not normally feel like eating, such as cancer patients who experience nausea from their chemotherapy drugs or individuals who suffer from motion sickness. This benefit can help such individuals keep up their strength and get the daily nutrients they need while still continuing with their anti-cancer treatment. It can even relieve the nausea often associated with HIV/AIDS treatment.
Neurological conditions – Epilepsy sufferers have reported that medical marijuana reduces both the frequency and the intensity of the seizures. It may also help people who suffer from either multiple sclerosis or muscular dystrophy. It does so by relieving muscular stiffness and spasms as well as nerve pain.
Pre-Existing Conditions and Other Considerations
Since your doctor should have your medical history as well as a list of medications you currently take, ask about any potential for unwanted interactions between medical marijuana and these drugs. Discuss how marijuana might affect your preexisting conditions, both for better and for worse. For instance, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, your doctor may advise you to hold off on your medical marijuana use. Last but not least, make sure you understand what to expect from medical marijuana psychoactive effects, and what dosage level to start with.
If your doctor feels under-equipped to provide you with the answers you seek, ask for a referral to a doctor who specializes in treatments involving medical cannabinoids. Once you have a thorough understanding of what medical marijuana can do for you and how to use it in a safe and healthy way, you’re ready to take your wellness to the next level at All Greens Clinic. Good luck, and good health!